My own published comment from :
While deauthorization (no quotes b/c I'm officially declaring it a real word) does seem to be one of the most intelligent options for a first step, the Dems must still overcome the presumption that they are "micromanaging" the war. Thus, they should be extremely careful about how they approach a deauthorization, and need to understand that America would be better served by a limited reauhtorization. Whatever you want to call it, two absolutely necessary components to re/deauthorization would be an immediate follow-up authorization for limited purposes in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and, second, the support of active and retired military leaders and rank-and-file for these newly formed, limited purposes. If either of these elements are mssing, then popular support, currently Congress' most powerful weapon, will not follow.
Also, dc law student's comment needs to be deleted as balderdash. The President doesn't sign and certainly cannot veto a congressional resolution either authorizing or deauthorizing the war-- that's a power ordained exclusively upon Congress and one of the fundamental tenets of separation of powers. Dc law student should either start paying more attention in Con Law or ask for a refund from the bursar's office.
DC law student did, however, highlight the most important principle for all of us to remeber here. DC stated "the President can and will put troops wherever he or she feels." It's been almost 2000 years since Ceaser and many less since Napolean and Hitler, but I don't believe Americans (however fat, stupid and lazy) have forgotten that one person should never have exclusive control over the levers of the military machine. If push comes to shove on that issue, Bush will lose.
Posted by: R.W. Twain May 7, 2007 01:42 PM
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